Yogur Story

Today I had lunch at Yogur Story for the first time.  If you notice the "t" missing in Yogur it’s not a mistake, that's the way they actually spell it.  The story behind the name is quite simple... the owners are Korean and in Korea they spell yogurt 'yogur', so there we go.  This restaurant is so pretty, I love the open floor and the high ceilings.  There are so many things to choose from on the menu, I had a hard time making my final decision, but eventually settled on Fat Pig Fried Rice.  When I saw the other tables getting their orders I found myself saying "oooh I should've ordered that.  Nope I should have ordered what she's having.  Next time I'm gonna get that".  So yes, I will be visiting again soon. The thing that really caught my attention was how beautiful all of the food coming out of the kitchen was plated, I mean literally everything was so gorgeously plated. When someone takes the time to present something so beautiful you know that you're going to get good quality food as well.


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