What I’ve been up to

Hi everyone! Hope all is well with you all. I've been having trouble with my site recently... but it seems to be ok now. I can't believe its July already. There are so many things going on in life right now. Both my daughters will be in new schools this coming fall, my son and his family moved back in with us, my younger son will be a senior this year and we'll be looking at colleges. Let's just say... my anxiety has been through the roof.

Summer for me has been pretty nice. I work at a school so we get off at noon during the summer. I'm able to go home and spend time with the family everyday and cook early dinners. I've been enjoying a drink or two every night and even having time to watch a movie before going to bed. And because no ones in summer school, I'm not having to wake up as early... it really has been nice.

Here in Hawaii, we're still under some strict rules so we really haven't been going out a lot this summer. We've hit the beach a few times, had a couple of some small family gatherings, gone out to eat at a restaurant or three, my sister was down here from Vegas for a couple of weeks... but other than that, it's been a lazy chill at home summer. Here are some random pics from the last few weeks...


A pretty baby shower


Pow Wow at Bishop Museum