Our Vegas Trip

We headed off to Vegas for my nieces graduation and made sure that we stayed long enough to get some fun time in while we were there. Kuha’o ended leaving a couple of days early in order to get home for his best friends graduation party.

He ended up catching a flight home with my dad. He went to his grandmothers house for a little bit before heading over to pick up his friend. On the way there he got into a really bad car accident. Let me tell you something, there is nothing worse than being away from your son when he calls you crying because hes been in a bad car wreck. Luckily Kaheles brother was right up the road from him and was able to get there to help him and talk to him while to cops and ambulance were there. He hurt his legs a little but nothing was broken or too hurt.


Our last days of summer


Marli’s graduation in Vegas