Monday Musing

As a parent, I often need to think hard about the advice that I give my kids. When I was younger I didn’t have to worry about being video taped and uploaded for everyone to witness. A lot of the things that I did that I’m not so proud of is just dust in the wind. No one will be able to ever prove that it happened. The worse thing that we worried about was being set up on a three way phone call and getting caught talking shit about the person listening. Now there’s always a receipt with recorded phone calls, screen shot text messages and being video taped.

So my advice to my kids is always to live their lives as if it’s being recorded on camera. I constantly remind them to act with integrity, mindfulness, and consideration for the consequences of their actions. Every choice that they make can leave a lasting imprint so it’s important to pause, reflect, and make their decisions that align with their values. I in no way want them to live their lives in fear of scrutiny, but rather take accountability in all that they do.


Some sunrises and sunsets


Our winter vacation day 9