Our winter vacation days 5,6,7 and 8

One of the best things about being in Vegas is visiting the amazing hotels and all they have to offer. One of my favorite hotels is Ceasar’s Palace. There’s so much to do and see here and you can literally get lost, which is not a bad thing when every corner has something cool to see. During our time at Ceasar’s we walked over to one of my favorite restaurants to have lunch. Planet Hollywood holds so many memories for me. Not only was it in Hawaii for many years, but it has become mine and besties favorite to eat together. Our favorite thing to eat there is their Chicken Crunch, so much so that we actually found the recipe online and often cook it when we get together. It’s one of those tastes that transports me to happy times.


Our winter vacation day 9


Winter vacation day 4- Adventure Dome & Yama Sushi