Feeling Numb

We’re still here in the hospital. If you read my last post you know that we checked into the hospital on Monday because Aria had an infection in her neck. I also shared that my grandmother died that same day. I don’t think that I’ve fully grasped what has happened. Everyone from home is being so supportive and checking upon us. My best friend went through a similar situation where she wasn’t able to focus her attention on her grandfather’s passing because there were other things that her mind had to focus on. She told me not to feel bad because my mind and body are so focused on my daughter and that’s where it has to be. The tears will come later when we go home. It’s just so miserable that during this COVID-19, no one can come and visit and keep us company. There is no visitation during this time. One person is allowed with the patient and that’s it. I feel terrible that I can’t be more helpful to my family trying to plan my grandma's funeral during this pandemic. Everyone is pretty much on the island except for my dad's sister. So she’ll be flying down because she will have to 14-day quarantine here before we can have a burial. This Barbie dollhouse has been her favorite. So, her dad went to Walmart and bought it for her. He’s setting it up so that she’ll be surprised when we get home. HOPEFULLY TODAY!!!!


A beach day with the fam


May 18th… the day my spirit ached