Bookstores are becoming obsolete

I miss being able to walk into a nice cozy bookstore- the ambiance, the feel, the smell of them. Walking into a bookstore is like stepping into a world of endless possibilities, where the scent of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the slightly musty aroma of printed pages. The soft rustle of turning pages and the quiet hum of whispered conversations created a cocoon of serenity. I miss finding a cozy nook among the shelves, sinking into a worn armchair, and getting lost in the first chapters of random books, each offering a new adventure or a hidden world. There is magic in those moments, a sense of disco very and connection that is hard to find in our digital age, and I long for that simple, soul-nourishing experience. Here on the island we only have a few bookstores left. In Kailua there’s a hidden gem called Book Ends. It’s not a place where you can get comfortable and read, but it does scratch that itch when I’m feeling nostalgic.


If I could declare one day to be a holiday…


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