Pics and a random high school memory

Sometimes when Kahele and I are talking I’ll have a random memory from back in the day pop into my head. I love when this happens because I get to share them here.

So in high school, my friends and I would smoke and of course, we’d want some food. Half of us would want Taco Bell and the rest McDonalds. Which is where we invented the Cinnamon Twist McFlurry. We’d go through Taco Bell and grab the cinnamon twists and then go to McDonald’s and order either a caramel sundae or hot fudge. We did this on so many occasions. Then suddenly it stopped and we hardly got it anymore. I don’t know what happened. Maybe during paddling season we kinda just forgot about it because we had to be healthier. All I know is that we used to always have it, then we didn’t. What’s so sad is that I haven’t had one since high school. I think I’m going to have to take a trip to both Taco Bell and McDonald’s to see if it was as good as I remember.

Well, there you go… the story of how we invented the Cinnamon Twist McFlurry.


A cute classroom baby shower


Pancakes & Waffles BLD