April 3, 2023

This weekend was a busy one. On Friday night I was able to go to the senior prom as a chaperone. I wasn’t able to go to my own senior prom so this was a fun time for me and the rest of the staff. On Saturday we went to watch my grandson Titus play his flag football game. I cannot believe that I’m an actual grandmother watching her grandson play sports. It feels like just yesterday Maui was the same age. Then, on Sunday we dropped my daughters off at Itrampoline for a party while me and Kahele treated ourselves to some yummy Filipino food at Thelma’s in Waipahu. We look for any opportunity to eat out, which most of the time is when the kids are occupied doing something else. Otherwise, it would cost us an arm and a leg. All in all, it was a pretty good weekend. The downside is that being so busy, my weekend flew by.


Pancakes & Waffles BLD


Week Pics and a Random Memory