Pics and a Musing

Today I wanted to share a strange dream that I had last night. I had a dream that I was at my high school (I graduated from Kalaheo High School in 1998), anyway i was walking around campus and all of a sudden the bell rings and tons of student start walking out of classes and to the next class. In my dream I was trying to remember which class I had next. I was so confused that I started to run to the office to get a copy of my schedule. When I walked to where the office is it wasn’t there and I was so lost on where to go. The bell rang and I walked into a random classroom where they were doing elementary finger-painting and wearing kids aprons. When I finally woke up I felt exhausted as if I was stressing in real life while having the dream. Does anyone else dream about being back in school? I’ve had these dreams a few time.


Halloween 2014


Cajun King Kaneohe