Summer is in full swing!

How is everyone's summer going? I took a week off from work and spent it catching up on rest. Now I'm back at work, but only for half day, so I still get a bit of a "vacation." I wish summer vacation were actually during the winter. Wouldn't that be the best? I would much rather spend my days on the couch watching television in cozy, comfortable weather instead of enduring the heat. I know that for most people, summer is all about the beach, but I don't like the beach.

My cousin had a baby, which is the highlight of everyone’s summer! This is her first child and I’m so happy for her. I haven’t seen the baby yet, but hope to in the next couple of weeks. My kids are enjoying their late nights playing video games and sleeping in every morning. I'm not very strict with them about it because they're old enough, did well in school during the year, and I feel like summer is a lot shorter than when I was in high school. Their laziness is well-deserved. My youngest is in a summer program and will be going to the beach a few times this summer, which is perfect for her. Some of the things on my summer bucket list are… Paint something for my blank wall, watch a sunset from the west side of the island, read some good books, buy a kitchen table, and take a drive around the island. Other than that, I hope to have a lot of time to meditate and get a small business going.


Summers while growing up


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