Summers while growing up

One thing is for sure: my kids don’t have the same summers I did growing up. My summers were always packed with activities. We’d go to the movies at least three times a week, take trips to the outer islands, and almost every weekend was spent at the beach.

In contrast, my older kids prefer to stay up until 4 a.m. on the phone, watching TV, or playing video games, then sleep until noon and repeat the cycle.

Both Kahele and I work, so we don’t plan beach days during the week. When the weekends come, we like to relax and recover from the work week. However, I did put together a little bucket list so we can create some fun memories together.

Drive around the island

Go to the beach

Eat shave ice

Watch fireworks

Read a book on the beach

Watch a sunset on the west side

Have a picnic at the park

Go to a museum

Watch an 80’s and 90’s summer movie

Meditate under a tree


The Tooth Fairy’s Dilemma (a story about my daughter Aria and her tooth)


Summer is in full swing!